Don't go to the bank to find a financial advisor

Yesterday, I was at a local banking institution, and when I was waiting to be attended, there were two old ladies talking about their retirement. I was thinking how could these ladies trust their monies to a bank financial advisor. No. Dont get me wrong. I am not judging if this bank could have a good financial advisor or not. I am not even judging the service of the bank. But lets face it, banks are made of people that work for the banks, and not FOR YOU. They are employees of the bank, and banks are there to make a profit.
Just because you may trust a well-respected bank doesn't mean you should trust the "financial advisors" at the bank.
Find an independent financial advisor you can trust, and works for you. The advisor that will research the highest rated platforms, companies, and rates for you. Not the one that wants to sell his/her product. Go online. Do your search. Ask your neighbor, your best friend, your parents.
The real deal is finding an advisor that works for you and you can see him/her being part of your team for years to come.